Thursday, September 23, 2010


Got a Formspring set up for Hoshen. People seem to have a lot of questions during Livestream sessions, so I thought I'd give it a 24/7 Q&A panel.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Book 1 Update

My apologies for disappearing for the summer; had an internship, a job, and Otakon taking up most of my time, and I just didn't have it in me to spread myself thinner for Hoshen. Had to take some time off, but I spent that time reading, watching, learning, and thinking.

As of September, I've been back in the saddle - finished inking Chapter 2, and I'm now working on Chapters 3 and 4 - I'm going to release the entire book online by late October. I'm shooting for a complete book to sell at MangaNEXT at my booth. I'll be on Livestream, working live on the inking for the next two chapters over the coming weeks if you'd like to watch the process.

Now playing: Future Prophecies - September (featuring Roger Ludvigsen)
via FoxyTunes