Still trying to decide how to break this up. Should I do one chapter at a time, or try to tackle an entire book at a time?
The way I'm spacing things right now, there are 12 books in the first "arc." Planning to have three arcs that tell the complete story, start to finish (with room for side-stories and spin-offs, of course). Each book has four chapters. I'm shooting for having one book done by the end of the month - shouldn't be hard if I manage my time well.
But I'm feeling a bit indecisive at the moment - focus on one chapter and put it online when it's done, or do the book as one whole project?
Guess I'll let it decide itself - whatever it takes to stay on schedule.
What's frustrating is that I'm taking longer than expected to put the script together. I wrote the story months ago, but in a stream-of-consciousness, unstructured style. I've been working on making a very organized, easy-to-read formatted script, but it's taking all day and I wanted to start drawing today. Curses.
Now playing:
Demon Hunter - Carry Me Downvia FoxyTunes